Helen feature image
Helen was over the moon to move to a place of her own just before Christmas 2020, after a traumatic few years.

Helen, 61, says: “I’d just lost my mum and trying to get organised at home, even just the housework, felt overwhelming.

“I was fed up arguing with the kids to keep the place clean and then their bedrooms started to slip too. I felt so weighed down by it all, so I just didn’t look."

“My youngest son would help me clean, but then he moved out. My eldest son got more and more untidy; his mental health issues got worse and his hoarding got worse. I felt responsible and was too ashamed to let anyone know."

“Being at home felt so dark and heavy. I’d have no idea what mood my son would be in." 

“One night, things came to a head and I had to call the police. They called Grand Union and told them my house wasn’t fit to be lived in."

“Katy from the Wellbeing & Support team called me to assess the situation. I remember feeling embarrassed during that conversation. But I also remember thinking that I didn’t have to live like that any more." 

“Katy wasn’t judging me or blaming me. It was an incredible feeling to know that someone was there, someone actually cared.”

In November 2020, Helen was moved into temporary accommodation while the police, social care and staff from various teams within Grand Union discussed a way forward and then just before Christmas, Helen moved into her new flat.

“I didn’t think Grand Union would help with my situation. I didn’t realise they offered this kind of help and support."

“Katy saved my life; she gave me hope and a way out. I can’t ever thank her enough.”

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Grand Union Housing Group Limited Registered office: K2, Timbold Drive, Kents Hill, Milton Keynes MK7 6BZ Grand Union Housing Group Limited is a Charitable Community Benefit Society registered in England & Wales No. 7853, regulated by the Regulator of Social Housing No. 5060, and is a member of the National Housing Federation.